Behave Stockholm is a forum for spreading knowledge and promoting the use of Behavioral Sciences in Sweden. Our aim is to create a vibrant and eclectic platform for connecting theorists with practitioners, experts with beginners, skeptics with converts, from both the business and public sectors, where we can share and discuss new developments and insights from behavioral science and related fields.
Bias Bar at ALMA on Thursday, August 29.
Theme: Retail and Consumer Insight. Speakers: Katarina Graffman, Ola Andersson and Workshop.
Behavioral Marketing Seminar with Richard Shotton and Alexander Norén who covered topics ranging from the state of behavioral economics in Sweden to Marketing efficiency through the use of behavioral insights.
Both Richard’s and Alexander’s books are available at membership prices. Send an e-mail to for more information.
2016 was our first year with two main events: inauguration with guest speaker Rory Sutherland and our first ever Bias Bar with speakers from the Behave Stockholm network. A solid start and there’s lots more in store for 2017. Have a favorite behavioral economist you’d like to see in Stockholm? Get in touch and we’ll see what we can do. Would you like to partner as a sponsor or help out in another way? Drop us a line and we’ll set up a meeting. We have lots of things planned, both big and small and will let you know as soon as anything is finalized. Don’t miss out, make sure you’re on our mailing-list.

Rory Sutherland
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Rory Sutherland, vice Chairman of the Ogilvy Group, columnist at the Spectator and celebrated TED-speaker was our inaugural speaker. Thanks to Rory we managed to gather a crowd of more than 140 people interested in behavioral economics who now form the basis of our network.
We filmed the entire event and you can watch it by clicking here.

Bias Bar #1
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
The first ever Bias Bar was an inspiring evening with a diverse mix of speakers and topics
- Investment Psychology – Lars Erik Boström, owner, Börspsykologen
- Nudging for Sustainability – Åsa Sandberg, CEO, A Win Win World
- A report from the Academic World – Jonathan de Quidt, Assistant Professor, Stockholm University IIES
- Gamification for Better Workflow – Frida Monsén, CEO, Mawu
- Emotions in Business – Magnus Myrenberg, Partner, Pink Mango Capital Partners
Interested in speaking at a future event? Contact us by sending an e-mail to

Why Behave in Stockholm?
Our mission is to increase both awareness and use of behavioral economics in business and society – for the mutual benefit of organizations and individuals. We will do this by connecting theorists and practitioners, by fusing psychology and economics, and by encouraging dialogue and challenging conventional “truths”. We believe that better insights about how humans really work can fundamentally change the way organizations create value and are led (whether in decision-making, investment, sales, marketing or in society at large).
Our goal is to arrange seminars and events with a wide range of participants from both the academic and business worlds. Do you have a problem that could benefit from a behavioral economics approach or have you solved a problem using behavioral methods? Would you like to speak at one of our events or would you like to suggest a speaker? Get in touch with us by sending an e-mail to
Behavioral what?
Behavioral economics is a cross disciplinary study of the effects of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors on economic decision making and the ensuing consequences for organizations, individuals and society. One of the pioneers in the field is Daniel Kahneman who, in 2003, became the first psychologist to win the Nobel Prize in Economics right here in Stockholm. If you want to learn more, please send us an e-mail

About us
Why do we continue to run business in the same way when the world around is constantly changing? Why do we treat people the same way when knowledge about how humans work tells us this is not the most efficient way? Why are the same myths and conventional “truths” still around even though they hinder creativity, innovation and optimal decision making? We want to change this, and launching Behave Stockholm is a first step.
If you have any questions, want to suggest a speaker or would like to sponsor one of our events, please feel free to send us an e-mail at or use the form below.

Clara Roslund

Johan Larsson